Friday 21 March 2014

Are You Happy?: A Must Read

We are all searching for happiness. In achieving this happiness our attitude in life plays a crucial role.

After years of hard and dedicated service to his Company, Ahmed was being appointed at an elegant reception as the new Director. It was a small function where his wife Fatimah, a Home Executive,  and some of the wives of the other persons in top management were also present.

In an adjacent room, Ann, the wife of the CEO of the Company, asked Ahmed's wife a very odd an usual question; "Does your husband make you happy?"

The husband, Ahmed, who at that moment was not at her side, but was sufficiently near to hear the question, paid attention to the conversation, sitting up slightly, feeling secure, even filling his chest lightly in pride and hope,  would definitely not publically lower or degrade her husband, would answer affirmatively, since she had always been there for him during their marriage and generally in life. Nevertheless, to both his and the others' surprise, she replied simply;

"No, no he doesn't make me happy…"

The room became uncomfortably silent, as if everyone were listening to the spouse's response. There was a sudden coldness in the air. The husband was petrified. A frown appeared on his face. He couldn't believe what his wife was saying, especially at such an important occasion for him. To the amazement of her husband and of everyone!

Fatimah sat up firmly and explained in a modest but stern tone to the other wives who were present;

"No, he doesn't make me happy… I AM HAPPY. The fact that I am happy or not doesn't depend on him, but on me. GOD has granted each of us intellect and discretion to reason, interpret and decide. GOD made me the person upon which my happiness depends. I make the choice to be happy in each situation and in each moment of my life. If my happiness were to depend on other people, on other things or circumstances on the face of this earth, I would be in serious trouble! Over my life I have learned a couple of things: I decide to be happy and the rest is a matter of 'experiences or circumstances;' like helping, and understanding, accepting, listening, consoling; and with my spouse, I have lived and practiced this many times. Honestly true happiness lies in being content."

Relieved and reassured, a smile was clearly noticed on Ahmed's face.

Moral:  Happiness will always be found in contentment, forgiveness and in loving yourself and others. To truly love is difficult, it is to forgive unconditionally, to live, to take the "experiences or circumstances" as they are, facing them together and being happy with conviction. There are those who say I cannot be happy  :

☆Because I am sick.
☆Because I have no money.
☆Because it's too cold.
☆Because they insulted me.
☆Because someone stopped loving me.
☆Because someone didn't appreciate me.

But what you don't know is that you can be happy even though you are sick, whether it is too hot, whether you have money or not, whether someone has insulted you, or someone didn't love you, or hasn't valued you.

Being Happy is an attitude about life and each one of us must decide!

Being Happy, depends on you!......:)

Shared by a friend & I am grateful to him for sharing.

Feel free to share it with the people who matter to you. 

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Wednesday 12 March 2014

Workplace Dress Codes Decoded!

A job interview, a new job, or a meeting at a client’s office can make you wonder how you should dress, especially since workplace dress codes can be vague. Here’s a guide to following dress codes, so as to not be under or overdressed for any new professional experience.

When you’re dressing for an occasion, you usually have some idea as to what you should wear. For instance, you know that if you show up at a nightclub wearing shorts and open shoes, you won’t be permitted to enter, unless you’re best friends with the owner.

However, at the workplace, there usually isn't any specific way that you need to dress. Broadly, there’s formal and casual. But while the lines between the two might be almost completely blurred for women, dressing guidelines for men are stricter, but have become confusing. In fact, in India, ‘formal’ may or may not include a jacket or even a tie. So let’s dissect a few dress-code terms that you might hear or read, but may not always know how to follow.


This is usually the simplest to follow. You cannot possibly go wrong with a T-shirt and jeans or any pants. However, in the workplace, it might be a good idea to keep it sober with the tees. Avoid graphic prints or outrageous messages. Casual could include shorts and open footwear, but that’s not a given, so you should avoid it, until you’ve tested the waters.

Smart Casuals

When the word ‘smart’ comes in, you should definitely think ‘collars’. A casual shirt, perhaps checked or striped, worn with jeans or chinos would be fine. A collared polo T-shirt would also be appropriate. Crew-neck T-shirts, shorts, sneakers and open footwear shouldn’t even be considered.


Here’s where you ditch the T-shirt altogether. Jeans might still be appropriate, but not the distressed kind. Your shirt shouldn’t be very bold or bright, and must always be tucked in. A linen jacket or a blazer thrown onto the ensemble would be perfect.

Business Formal

This dress code requires you to ensure that you are wearing trousers, a jacket, or preferably a two-piece suit. Generally, a tie must be worn. The shoes you wear should be formal—brogues, oxfords, etc. In India, given the weather conditions, most offices don’t enforce the jacket, and some even forgo the tie, while they also allow moccasins. However, when in doubt, stick to the former ensemble, tie, jacket, et al.


This ideally refers to evening formal, could be for drinks with clients or an office dinner. A dark-colored suit is mandatory for this look, generally worn with a white shirt. A dress code in an invitation may specify ‘tie optional’. If it isn’t specified, you should avoid going open-collar.

Friday Dressing

This is a term generally used in workplaces where the regular dress code is business formal and if that is the case, simply follow the semi-formal guidelines. In some offices, you might even be permitted to wear T-shirts, but that will most probably only include collared, polo T-shirts. You can also included brown shoes and brown belt for Friday dressing, however on other days these should be avoided.

So there you have it. You shouldn't have any trouble figuring out what is appropriate and what isn’t, and you never have to be the one sticking out of the crowd like a sore thumb.

Have any more queries on this? Drop me a message with your question.

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With extracts from the article on "The Label".