Saturday 15 February 2014

The ABC of Image Management

Earlier, image consulting was just thought of as for elite class, as personality development or as fashion styling or choosing the right clothing colors and learning which fork to eat with at business dinners. 

Well...times have changed! Today, managing your image and promoting yourself as an individual are two key strategies professionals and students are using to make more sales, gain the next promotion or land the dream job or just stand out amongst a crowd of look-a-likes.

In fact, image management really relates to the three most basic areas of what makes up your professional persona - the public face you show the world each day. Those three areas are Appearance, Behavior and Communication.

By looking at all three critical components of your Image, we can help our clients do four things:
  • Represent more fully to the world what makes you successful
  • Maximize your image strengths and minimize your image weaknesses, giving you a stronger overall professional persona
  • Reach personal and professional goals by fine tuning your appearance, tweaking your behavior and strengthening your communication skills.
  • Be more comfortable and effective in both professional and personal environments

Now, let us look at the ABC's Image Management Model:

By focusing on the ABC's of image management - Appearance, Behavior and Communication - Consulting Image Smiths help a client reflect to the world what makes them successful. Plus,we can help them target areas and make changes that have lasting and profound impact on one's personal goals and professional potential.

Investing in it, is a life time investment, as you can use the skills acquired over and over again in your life span. Hence we can have a 6 years or 60 years old as a client.

Still having difficulty in identifying 'What is that I can do for you?' Feel free to write to me on

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Would love to hear your thoughts on this. 

Supriya Satbhaiya

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