Saturday 26 July 2014

Lets check your Business Dress IQ?

Clothes communicate.
What do yours say about you?
Got style?
Know everything about good business dress?
Answer these 7 questions and find out.
True or False
1. Standard shirt collars are dressier than button down collars.
2. A grey or blue suit, white shirt, and small pattern tie is your best bet when attending a job interview or making a presentation.
3. Accountants who dress down are wise because it creates rapport with casually dressed clients.
4. At work, you should dress for where you want to be, not where you are now.
5. People are more productive in casual clothes.
6. Bosses should wear jackets even on ‘Jeans for Genes’ days.
7. The shoes you wear to work are important indicators of your status.
What the experts say:
1. True. Forget what you've heard, read or think, button down collars arecasual. The buttons originate from the sport of polo where they kept the collar tabs from flapping up into the faces of the players as they galloped around on horseback. Hence, button down is sporty and casual. That’s why you don’t see button down collars at a formal black tie event. Smart dressers won’t even wear them with a double breasted suit.
2. True. This is classic male business wear for a reason: it communicatestrustworthiness. Unless you are in an artistically creative role, departing from this classical look entails risk, ie, you can blow your credibility, fast.
3. False. Clients prefer accountants who look like accountants not swingers. Traditional formal business wear, ie, suit and tie, communicate the professionalism that people seek in their accountant. As always, the issue is credibility. If your image does not mesh with your words, the client won’t buy.
4. False. This is a common misconception. To follow this suggestion strictly is absurd and counter-productive. You think your boss won’t notice that your threads are better than theirs? The objective of ‘dressing above’ your current role is to allow others to visualize you in a more senior role. But use common sense. Dressing like the CEO when you’re a management trainee will backfire, send you broke, and convince people that you lack judgment. Instead, observe how your direct superior dresses – then consider emulating their level of dress.
5. False. There is no reliable evidence that casual dress increases productivity. In fact, there is far more evidence to the contrary. For example, one study of Fortune 500 companies reported that 70% of CEOs claim that casual dress at work reducedproductivity. This finding correlates with our research. We've yet to find a company claiming improved productivity through the adoption of casual dress.
6.True. Jackets denote formal authority for both genders, but especially for women. In one study, 85% of observers assumed that a woman who was not wearing a jacket was junior to her jacket wearing counterpart. So wear your jeans in support of the day – but keep your jacket on if you’re exercising authority as a Manager.
7.True. Shoes are the most revealingsocio-economic indicator that you wear. For centuries our language has used shoe metaphors to convey messages about status, eg, ‘down at the heels’, ‘best foot forward’, ‘shoe on the other foot.’ To convey credibility, your shoes must be in excellent condition and appropriate for the situation. For corporate men, it’s a simple choice between lace ups or slip-on shoes.
7 Correct: Congrats! You should be appearing in GQ instead of reading it.
6 Correct: Excellent! Go to the head of the class.
5 Correct: Good. You’re heading down the right path, probably in well shined shoes.
2-3 Correct: Fair. You’re stumbling down a path, possibly towards unemployment.
1 Correct: Poor. You’re eligible for a federal subsidy for the stylishly challenged.
0 Correct: Congrats! You're a strong candidate to appear on Total Makeover.

Friday 4 July 2014

Happy Monsoon Feet

Monsoons are always welcoming relief from the blistering heat of the summer, but a lot of us dread monsoon because of the adverse affects the rain has on our regular lifestyle. Personally the worst bit about monsoon is the affect it has on my feet, making me dread stepping out as much as possible. As much as we’d like to avoid stepping out some times we have no choice, but to do so. Here are some dos and don’ts when it comes to your feet in monsoon: 


☆Avoid wearing heels in rainy season. But, if you just cannot resist wearing heels then go for slip-resistant sandals of heels, not over 2 inches.

☆While purchasing plastic footwear, make sure that the pair doesn’t have any sharp edges as those could give you shoe bites.

☆For this season particularly, whether you are buying flat sandals or heels, look for footwear with good grip that hold feet in place and do not slip when the feet and shoes are wet.

☆Don’t keep your shoes and sandals under the bed or inside the shoe rack when it is wet. This gives birth to bacteria’s. Let them dry under the sun to keep away the bacteria’s from breeding in your shoes.

☆If your wet feet have tendency to cause odour, mix 5 ml of peppermint oil in a tub of lukewarm water with handful of neem leaves and soak your feet for 10 minutes. Dry and spray talcum powder on it. This will help in reducing the perspiration plus relieve you from odour-causing bacteria.

☆Exfoliating your feet regularly while taking a bath is one of the best monsoon feet care tips. You can do it by soaking your feet in plain water or lukewarm water. If you don’t have foot soak , then mix up a normal hair shampoo enough to make foam. Then dip your feet for 5 – 10 minutes depending on the quality of your feet , whether it suffers from cracks or dryness. Then scrub up with a scrubbing material or foot scrub especially made for feet. You can also use a pumice stone for this.

☆Avoid wearing leather footwear as much as possible since the material gets easily infected with fungus and bacteria. They have a tendency to support bacteria because of the moisture. If you have a passion for leather footwear, look out for Waterproof shoes. The waterproof range of well-known brands is quite stylish and perfect for a rainy day. Formal shoes made of waterproof leather and shoes with foam base that are odor-resistant are a huge hit with office-goers.

☆Do not neglect the spaces between your toes and fingers. Dry them properly and sprinkle talcum powder between them. There are higher chances of fungal infection in the spaces.

☆Applying petroleum jelly on feet after cleaning also helps to moisturize and prevent water contact directly with skin as it repels water.

☆Do not wear closed, tight-fitting footwear. Avoid wearing boots and shoes as they hold water thereby making it sodden. Use slippers or sandals instead.

☆Always keep a separate dry pair of work shoes at your office, college locker. So you can swap the wet footwear with dry ones when you reach your work place. That way you avoid sitting uncomfortably in the wet footwear and invite less infections.Always wear clean and dry cotton socks.

☆Do keep extra pair of socks so that you can change them once you reach your destination after the travel.