Thursday 20 February 2014

Dressing for a Job Interview

The day has finally arrived! You got an interview. You rehearsed the company’s “About Us” section on their website over and over in your head, you know exactly how many gains and losses they had last year.  But the only thing you don’t have, is interview attire.

Many times students stop by and ask me “What do I need to wear on my interview?”  It can be quite simple, but sometimes it isn’t if you are the indecisive type.  Allow me to share an Image Consultant's insight on what to wear on an interview. 
The employers first impression of you will be your personal appearance.  If you want to WOW them, then you must be dressed to impress!  Remember, you are marketing yourself!  You are trying to “sell” your product and the product is YOU!!

Women's Interview Attire                      
  • Solid color, conservative suit / Indian wear–This all depends on the industry you are interviewing in.  If it is business related, stay on the conservative side.  If it is in public relations, advertising or anything in the arts industry, you might want to spice up your look. Wear more vibrant colors.
  • Coordinated blouse
  • Moderate shoe
  • Only one point of focus
  • Limited jewelry
  • Neat, professional hairstyle
  • Tan or light hosiery
  •  Sparse make-up & perfume
  • Manicured nails
  • Formal bag or briefcase
Men's Interview Attire

  • Solid color, conservative suit - This all depends on the industry you are interviewing in.  If it is business related, stay on the conservative side.  If it is in public relations, advertising or anything in the arts industry, you might want to spice up your look. Wear more vibrant colors.
  •  White long sleeve shirt –Depending on your suit color, you can also wear a blue or cream colored shirt.  Try to always wear a solid color on interviews. Once you get the job, you can of course mix it up!
  • Conservative tie
  • socks matching to pant/ shoe, oxford shoes
  • Very limited jewelry
  • Neat, professional hairstyle
  • Go easy on the aftershave
  • Neatly trimmed nails
  • Portfolio or briefcase (No backpacks Please)

With a confident stride and a winning handshake change your destiny!

Good Luck! I hope you DRESS to IMPRESS! (and get the job!)

Wish to know more about Interview etiquettes?
Get in touch with me on

Manage Image, Differentiate Yourself!

you can follow us on facebook for our daily tips on managing your image

Best wishes,

Saturday 15 February 2014

The ABC of Image Management

Earlier, image consulting was just thought of as for elite class, as personality development or as fashion styling or choosing the right clothing colors and learning which fork to eat with at business dinners. 

Well...times have changed! Today, managing your image and promoting yourself as an individual are two key strategies professionals and students are using to make more sales, gain the next promotion or land the dream job or just stand out amongst a crowd of look-a-likes.

In fact, image management really relates to the three most basic areas of what makes up your professional persona - the public face you show the world each day. Those three areas are Appearance, Behavior and Communication.

By looking at all three critical components of your Image, we can help our clients do four things:
  • Represent more fully to the world what makes you successful
  • Maximize your image strengths and minimize your image weaknesses, giving you a stronger overall professional persona
  • Reach personal and professional goals by fine tuning your appearance, tweaking your behavior and strengthening your communication skills.
  • Be more comfortable and effective in both professional and personal environments

Now, let us look at the ABC's Image Management Model:

By focusing on the ABC's of image management - Appearance, Behavior and Communication - Consulting Image Smiths help a client reflect to the world what makes them successful. Plus,we can help them target areas and make changes that have lasting and profound impact on one's personal goals and professional potential.

Investing in it, is a life time investment, as you can use the skills acquired over and over again in your life span. Hence we can have a 6 years or 60 years old as a client.

Still having difficulty in identifying 'What is that I can do for you?' Feel free to write to me on

You can follow us on Facebook for our regular updates using this link:

Would love to hear your thoughts on this. 

Supriya Satbhaiya

Tuesday 11 February 2014

The Art of Dressing up!

HAVE you ever heard somebody described as being dapper or well dressed and wished you could be described that way? I think most people like to make a good impression on others but sometimes do not know exactly how to put themselves together.

As an image consultant, I am keenly aware of how others dress. If somebody does not look great, I usually know exactly what is wrong with his or her outfit and/or hairstyle and mentally re- dress them so they look their best. I think it is important to look your best and see the whole process directly correlating to your self-esteem. Personally speaking, I know that the way I look affects the way I think, feel, act and conduct myself. On those days that I know I look great I feel myself looking forward to seeing people. I am more apt to be friendlier, look people in the face and have them look at me. When I act friendly, others also react positively. This turns into a positive cycle and contributes to a happy day. On the other hand, when I do not look my best, I am not as friendly and hope that I do not run into any body. If I do, it usually makes me uncomfortable. Our image is one of the few things in our lives that we can directly control.

Most of us have more freedom to dress as we please in our personal lives. But in business settings, it is a different story. There is no excuse for sloppiness. People assume that those who do not pay attention to the details of their appearance probably do not take care of the details in their work. What do you think of the person who sends you a letter with spelling or typos on it? Do you think less of the person? Isn't a mistake on a resume the ultimate faux pas for a job applicant?

So how can you be well dressed every day? My five-part definition of a well dressed person is somebody whose clothing and accessories 
1) complement their physical appearance 
2) coordinate in colour, pattern and fabric 
3) fit properly 
4) are current 
5) are appropriate for the occasion. 
Each element is equally important and all must be in place to have you be well dressed.

  • The first element is wearing clothing and accessories that are complimentary to your physical appearance. This means that your clothing should highlight your assets, your positive physical traits and if necessary, diminish your liabilities, your less positive parts. For example, if your shoulders are narrow, you will look much better wearing a jacket with padded shoulders. If you are a little overweight, you should be careful not to wear horizontal stripes because they will make you look heavier. If you are a woman with a small waist, you will look better with a belt and your shirt tucked in.
  • The second element is wearing clothing that coordinates in colour, pattern and fabric. The colours should be harmonious to your eyes, skin and hair colour. If you have dark hair, you will look better in primary colours such as navy, black, brown, red and white. Colours that are pale such as beige, cream and khaki are usually not flattering to people with strong colouring and features. It is best to wear colours that either match or are complimentary to your hair/especially close to your face. I always recommend matching the colours of your belt and shoes and if your watch has a leather band, it should match as well. The same is suggested for handbags and totes.
  • The third element is fit. Fit is one of the biggest areas that most people miss. In order to look great, your clothing must fit properly. Sometimes it is hard to find clothing to fit you exactly because the manufacturers use models who have perfect bodies. My suggestion is to find a brand or a store that has clothing that fits your body and shop there. If you know that the fit is right for one season, it will most probably fit right the next time. If you have any special concerns, such as height or weight, you may need to find a tailor to alter your clothing. 
  • The fourth element is wearing clothing that is current. Fashions change every season and wearing up to date clothing is as important as keeping up with the news, technology and social issues. I am not suggesting that you buy the latest styles every season. I am urging you to invest in classic clothing that will not go out of style. You can update your image every season with new accessories such as shoes, ties and shirts for men and shoes, handbags, eyeglasses and jewelry for women.
  • Finally, last but not least. The last element is wearing clothing and accessories that are appropriate for the situation. If you are overdressed for an occasion, you will feel uncomfortable, as will those around you. Alternately, if you are under-dressed, you might seem disrespectful to your hosts, colleagues or friends. The best way to ensure this from happening is to ask what the dress code is. Casual dress has become so commonplace today that most people are advising guests what to wear in order to avoid making any one uncomfortable.

Although casual dress has many meanings depending on the type of industry you work in, job function, and image goals. My advice is to always bring a jacket with you. If the other people are more casual, you can always remove yours.
And do not forget. You never get a second chance to make a first impression!

See you soon again..