Thursday 20 February 2014

Dressing for a Job Interview

The day has finally arrived! You got an interview. You rehearsed the company’s “About Us” section on their website over and over in your head, you know exactly how many gains and losses they had last year.  But the only thing you don’t have, is interview attire.

Many times students stop by and ask me “What do I need to wear on my interview?”  It can be quite simple, but sometimes it isn’t if you are the indecisive type.  Allow me to share an Image Consultant's insight on what to wear on an interview. 
The employers first impression of you will be your personal appearance.  If you want to WOW them, then you must be dressed to impress!  Remember, you are marketing yourself!  You are trying to “sell” your product and the product is YOU!!

Women's Interview Attire                      
  • Solid color, conservative suit / Indian wear–This all depends on the industry you are interviewing in.  If it is business related, stay on the conservative side.  If it is in public relations, advertising or anything in the arts industry, you might want to spice up your look. Wear more vibrant colors.
  • Coordinated blouse
  • Moderate shoe
  • Only one point of focus
  • Limited jewelry
  • Neat, professional hairstyle
  • Tan or light hosiery
  •  Sparse make-up & perfume
  • Manicured nails
  • Formal bag or briefcase
Men's Interview Attire

  • Solid color, conservative suit - This all depends on the industry you are interviewing in.  If it is business related, stay on the conservative side.  If it is in public relations, advertising or anything in the arts industry, you might want to spice up your look. Wear more vibrant colors.
  •  White long sleeve shirt –Depending on your suit color, you can also wear a blue or cream colored shirt.  Try to always wear a solid color on interviews. Once you get the job, you can of course mix it up!
  • Conservative tie
  • socks matching to pant/ shoe, oxford shoes
  • Very limited jewelry
  • Neat, professional hairstyle
  • Go easy on the aftershave
  • Neatly trimmed nails
  • Portfolio or briefcase (No backpacks Please)

With a confident stride and a winning handshake change your destiny!

Good Luck! I hope you DRESS to IMPRESS! (and get the job!)

Wish to know more about Interview etiquettes?
Get in touch with me on

Manage Image, Differentiate Yourself!

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Best wishes,

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