Tuesday 14 January 2014

Welcome to Image Smiths

This is my first blog ever.. And it gives me great sense of achievement in writing this.

At the onset let me welcome you to "Consulting Image Smiths". Consulting Image Smiths is a Image Management organisation. Your first query would be "Image"?? Whats is that?? Some of you might assume that its related to IT, or pictures, or any thing else. However let me clarify this, "Image is you! Your valuation about yourself, how you display yourself and how others perceive You to be". Your Image is your "Personal Brand". Hence we call it "You in the eyes and minds of yourself & Others". It is formed by what we do and how we do it!

Let me give you an example, if i ask you to fit a persona into a Image based on the following cues:

  • The person is a celebrity
  • A versatile actor
  • he is highly trusted
  • Made India proud on International level
  • A voice recognized by every Indian
  • Dynamic & Smart
  • Has screen play experience of over 4 decades
  • Respected and recognized for his work by every one
  • Aged yet modern    
  • Voted as Youth Icon 
I am pretty sure, you would not have read all the cues and still at the 1st attempt guessed it as Mr. Amitabh Bachchan. That is the Power of Image! 

It differentiates you! Makes you Unique! Separates you from the others!

Does this makes you think a little? If yes, I would be happy to respond to your queries!

Hope you enjoyed reading this..

Will be back soon with more on this.. Till that time stay blessed! :)

You can like us on facebook for our regular updates: https://www.facebook.com/imagsmith

Manage Image, Differentiate yourself


  1. As like thumb impression, every individual has its "unique image". Just observe no two members in a family, friends & professional life will be alike. Thumb impression can't be changed whereas image can. It purely depends on individual deed.

    From angry young man to one of the oldest and versatile superstar, Mr. Amitabh Bachchan is the right example. He has managed his image well over decades!

    Hope I am right Ms. Supriya !

  2. Absolutely Mr. Jha!
    Your image is what people say about you when you are not there.

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