Sunday 26 January 2014

Image touches every moment of our life

It takes only 3-7 seconds to form a First Impression, make them count!

In my earlier post I said "image is perception about yourself in your and others eyes and minds". Our image is primarily dependent on how we see ourselves and then how others view it. How we view ourselves is our self esteem. And our  self esteem is clearly visible in ouRoberts titude, body language, expressions, dressing, self confidence, etc. And when others view these things in us, they reciprocate us with respect , otherwise they neglect us. 

Everybody out there is making perceptions about us, based on what we put on display. Right from your milkman, to your maid, to your kids, to your husband, to your neighbors, to your colleagues, your seniors at work, and the list continues... The process starts when you meet some one for the 1st time, in your personal, professional or social life. 
People start forming perceptions about you as soon as they see you, and what do they see in your appearance? Your clothes the first thing, then your grooming, jewelry, facial expressions, body language, etiquette; and based on these they evaluate you and decide weather or not to approach you for any further communication. They form judgement about your character, credibility, intelligence, income level, status, etc. 

Remember "Pretty woman ", where Julia Roberts initially enters a luxury store in a very unsophisticated appearance and is disdained by the saleswoman. Then she goes back to the hotel and shares this with Richard Gere, 
and then he gets her dressed in a beautiful suit, teaches her the basic etiquette and then goes back to the same store ! 

This is the Power of Image! 

What do you think, your image tells the world? 

What is your opinion on this? Does Image impacts you and your work?
Do share with me.

Waiting to hear from you. 

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